Burlington Stamp Club
Our Meetings
The Burlington Stamp Club meets every first and third Wednesday of each month, from September to June (no meetings in July and August), from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the "Community Rooms 3 and 4" of the Burlington Seniors' Centre, 2285 New Street, Burlington ON L7R 1J4 - Canada.
Two ways to reach the building (see Google map below):
From New Street, take Teen Tour Way, then first left towards parking lot.
From Drury Lane, enter at 519 (Central Arena), then first right towards parking lot.
Guests of members and visitors are welcome.

Upcoming meetings and events
Dates of our next meetings​
The 2024 /25 season started September 4, 2024.
Meeting Dates: 2025
February: 5th and 19th
March: 5th and 19th
April: 2nd and 16th
Voice Auctions are always on the second meeting of each month.
Other events include speakers, Bin sales. Hinges available to purchase. Lending library available for members.
Welcome back, members.
Dates of future events
Saturday, March 29th, 2025: Burlpex 2025 -
BSC Annual Show.
(See special section "Annual Show".)