Burlington Stamp Club
Our Annual Show - Burlpex

Open to the general public
The Burlington Stamp Club organizes an annual show, Burlpex, in the Community Rooms 1 and 2 of the Burlington Seniors’ Centre (2285 New Street, Burlington ON L7R 1J4), where we gather for our regular meetings. The show is held in the large and well-lit auditorium of the building.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! The date of our next annual show Burlpex 2025 is on Saturday, March 29th, 2025. The specific times will be announced later. Here are the main activities for that show:
Our circuit books are available on site so, as the show is open to the public, our duly-paid members have a chance to sell their stamps not only to their friends of the club, but also to the general public. That day, in that large room, our club can set up almost ten six-foot long tables to accommodate up to twenty customers at a time (we have the manpower to look after everybody!), while they are exploring our seventy five books full of used and mint stamps of the whole world. Ask for a specific country, and we probably have stamps from it, as well as "topicals".
We also hold one silent auction sale, where again, members can place various lots for sale.
There are about ten stamp dealers for stamps of the world (among them, recent issues of Canadian and U.S. stamps), souvenir sheets, blocks, covers, postcards, as well as supplies (hinges, mounts, album pages, catalogues...).
There is a small kitchen for a quick lunch, with sandwiches and light beverages…
It is always a very pleasant day for all concerned!