Burlington Stamp Club
Our Benefits to Members

Annual membership dues are $25.00 per member, and $35.00 for family. Dues are collected at the first meeting of the season, on the first Wednesday of September.
Benefits for being a member of the Burlington Stamp Club
Circuit Books: The club has about 80 circuit books (or binders) where duly-paid members can put the stamps, used or mint, which they wish to offer for sale. In the "Forms" section of this website, you can see the different forms our club uses for our circuit books and the purchase slip for the stamps purchased from the books. Once a year, we tally up numbers and give to the sellers the money earned (cheque or cash).
On occasion, our circuit books are brought to meetings, shows or events of other local clubs, so that more people can have a look at and buy items offered for sale by BSC members. Alternatingly, other clubs visit us, bringing their club books to our meetings, so our members have an opportunity to see other philatelic material they can acquire.
Club Library: Our library includes catalogues, such as the most recent edition of Unitrade Canadian Stamp Catalogue, the complete set of Scott's 2020 World Stamp Catalogues, as well as Specialized US, Classic Specialized and catalogues for other countries; reference catalogues on Revenue Stamps, Precancelled, Varieties and Errors; also philatelic literature on various areas and topics related to philately.
During the meetings, members can take the catalogues or books to their table for checking info, and hand them back at the end of the meeting. One can also borrow one or more items from the library and take them home, from one meeting to the next.
Auction Sales: At the second meeting of each month we have voice auctions. One must be a duly-paid member to enter lots in auctions. You do not have to be a member to bid and buy. So visitors and guests can do that.
Auctions are a good way to dispose of duplicates or any other material which one wishes to part with. This is also particularly true at the silent auction sales we hold during our annual show. In the "Meetings" section of this website, you can see the specific dates for our future auctions. And check the "Annual Show" section for the date of our next "Burlpex".
Supplies: To place stamps in albums, or on sheets for circuit books, stamp collectors use hinges for used stamps, and mounts for mint stamps. Hinges are available for purchase at our meetings. When one is looking to acquire other supplies (Unitrade catalogue, album pages, etc.), a member of our club will go to the Unitrade store in North York, to order and pickup various requests.
Social gatherings: Our meetings are always a gret way for members to reconnect with their friends and talk seriously or shoot the breeze about the recent world events or community news... Nobody ever gets bored at our meetings. Guests of members and visitors are welcome.