Burlington Stamp Club

Here are links to sites of other local stamp clubs and specialized philatelic associations that may be of interest to you.
If you think another link could appear in that list, please send us an email and we will consider including it below.
​Southern Ontario Local Clubs
Brantford Stamp Club: https://brantfordstampclub.com/
Guelph Stamp Club: http://guelphstampclub.com/
Hamilton Stamp Club: https://hamiltonstampclub.ca/
Kitchener-Waterloo Philatelic Society: https://www.kwstampclub.org/
St. Catharines Stamp Club: http://www.stcatharinesstampclub.ca
Waterloo Region Stamp Club: https://waterlooregionstampclub.weebly.com/
British North America Philatelic Society, Ltd. (BNAPS): https://bnaps.org/
Canadian Stamp News (magazine): https://canadianstampnews.com
Grand River Valley Philatelic Association) (GRVPA): http://www.grvpa.com/
Postal History Society of Canada: https://www.postalhistorycanada.net/php/index.php
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC): https://www.rpsc.org/